Saturday, January 24, 2009


OH EM GEEE! i know its kinda late but my gawd its the i-have-to-wake-up-early-so-the-prefects-tak-bising-kat-i-lagi time!

For this year i think im going to join the "Olahraga Team". Okay okay i now y'all might think "OMG Syazani nak join athletics!"wait la i didn't say that i'll be doing all the jumping and the running, instead i'll be throwing stuff away! OH YEAGGH!"phlegm"

Good thing this year all the teachers that my class got was the "okay" ones...not like previous years...pfft...

So far my weeks of schooling was okay but seriously tiring...and to start the first day of school, i realised that my sweater had lost! Like OMG! it was a birthday present! T_T...i had an emotional breakdown for a week!hahaha drama lebih!haha.and at school i sat next to my BUDDY Azir! heheyyyy!

i think thats all for now cuz i have no clue what to write about.


1 comment:

Lee ya said...

Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head! bahaha