Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Time of The Year.

My last time blogging was ages ago. The reason I write here cause I know I can't tell anyone straight.

This year has the WORST start ever, maybe because God wants to redeem my sins. I accept that. I believe that everything happens for a reason but bloody hell, it is hard to find the exact reason.

This year I know what a friend is not. I am yet to find what a friend is. That's a good experience I gained. Yet the feeling of loneliness still lingers in me because I don't know who to talk to when the hard phases of life are happening. I surely cannot talk to my parents, I don't know which of my friends I can rely on. So yeah.

Maybe this is karma. Like I have been such an arrogant douche and this is on how to make me humble again. I've learned my lessons and I will try and change myself. I will be strong to go through this phase.

And thousands and millions of apologies I ask for those who I have hurt or just fucked upon. I will try to make things up. :)