Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey hey! It's the first time in three months since my last time updating my blog. MY GAWD! PMR is like SIX MOTHS coming and im not ready for anything yet!

Last month I went for Umrah. It was a memorable experience. I MISSED THE MOSQUES! It was MAJESTIC! OH EMM GEEE. It was seriously big and beau-tee-fool! The people was okay but not like Malaysians. MALAYSIANS ARE THE BEST *butt-kissing*.

Last two weeks was my school's Sports Day. Of course I did nothing but shot-putting~ and the march past. HAHA it was unforgetable! HAHA. Guess what? My house got 2nd in tug war! OWH YEAHHH~ My first medal in VI! Damn proud of it! HAHA. Corny but thats how I feel.

After about a week after that my hair got longer. YAYY. And my school starts to feel like normal again. But this time my table was stolen and I have to serch for a new one and decided to sit next to Subhan (the straight A student) and it is running pretty well.

Thats all for now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


OH EM GEEE! i know its kinda late but my gawd its the i-have-to-wake-up-early-so-the-prefects-tak-bising-kat-i-lagi time!

For this year i think im going to join the "Olahraga Team". Okay okay i now y'all might think "OMG Syazani nak join athletics!"wait la i didn't say that i'll be doing all the jumping and the running, instead i'll be throwing stuff away! OH YEAGGH!"phlegm"

Good thing this year all the teachers that my class got was the "okay" ones...not like previous years...pfft...

So far my weeks of schooling was okay but seriously tiring...and to start the first day of school, i realised that my sweater had lost! Like OMG! it was a birthday present! T_T...i had an emotional breakdown for a week!hahaha drama lebih!haha.and at school i sat next to my BUDDY Azir! heheyyyy!

i think thats all for now cuz i have no clue what to write about.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Hang Out Of The Year.

Since my friends told me alot of times to update my blog. So I'll do it.

So it was last year, my friends thought of having a "reunion" with our old friends before new year starts. We then arrange it for idk 2 weeks just to get in contact with our friends. fast forward to THE day, we went to Sunway Pyramid by using a train and a bus. We arrived there approximately at 10 in the morning.

First we hung out and had our lunch there. It was fun when we talked about our years in primary school. We laughed our heads off! Good thing nobody "burst". pfft corny. Then thats when reality kicks in. We had 8 people and didn't have enough money to go in the theme park. Like WTF? Good thing some of us including "moi"-vain-brought some extra cash so we settled that thing.

When we bought the tickets we didn't that there is a deposit of RM10 for each person. Obviously we didn't have enough money. hmm.and then some of us still left like 20 to 30 bucks so we use that money to top up the outstanding amount.

We got in at last and I was like "Yayyy!Hope its not going to rain." And lucky us it didn't. So we rode every single one of the rides. First, we started by riding the "Tom-a-Hawk". I was like "Shit! Im afraid of these things." But still I have to ride it. We rode that son of a gun and I already lost my voice. Then we rode the "Pirate Ship" and my GOD! It was scary! We saw an ostrich when we were upside down! it was so cool! We rode other rides after that and we had F.U.N!

We went back home and treasure all the moments we have in our thoughts and hearts.